Men's Health
What is a vasectomy?
A vasectomy is an outpatient surgical procedure for individuals 21 years of age or older that involves cutting and tying the tubes that carry sperm.
This procedure will sterilize the patient. It is a nearly 100% effective method of birth control available to men who are absolutely sure that they do not want to father children in the future.
Sullivan County Regional Health Department offers vasectomy as a birth control option for men through the Family Planning Program.
Should you get a vasectomy?
Whether or not to have a vasectomy can be a tough decision. On the positive side, a vasectomy is a highly effective, though permanent, form of birth control with a low risk of complications and a quick recovery time. It is less invasive and carries fewer risks than female sterilization methods. It should be noted, while the procedure is effective at preventing pregnancy, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
It's crucial to weigh the following factors carefully and discuss them with a healthcare provider when making this decision.
Reasons not to get a vasectomy
- You are very young. (You must be at least 21 years of age)
- You are considering sterilization only to please your partner.
- You might want to have children in the future with another partner should something happen with your current relationship.
- You would want to father another child in the future if one or more of the children you now have died.
- You plan to have the operation reversed if you should change your mind in the future. (A reversal can be expensive and not always effective.)
Reasons to consider a vasectomy
- You have all of the children you want.
- You want to enjoy sex without the fear of an unintentional pregnancy.
- You and your partner cannot (or do not want to) use a temporary method of birth control.
- Your partner has health problems that may make pregnancy unsafe.
- You do not want to pass on a hereditary disease.
Further Considerations
If a man has any doubt about having future children, a vasectomy would not be recommended. In that case, temporary methods of birth control should be used during sexual activity. The condom is the only temporary male option available at this time. A spermicide used with a condom increases its effectiveness to 90% if used correctly.
Several temporary methods of birth control are available for women. A condom should be used along with female temporary methods to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Even a man who has been sterilized should use a condom to prevent the spread of disease if he or his partner has multiple sex partners.
Do not assume that your partner is using a birth control method. Talk to your partner about birth control before having sex so you both can avoid an unintentional pregnancy.
Remember that abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control method.
Here to Help
Our team is here to answer your questions and provide the support you need. If you need help regarding vasectomy, please contact us.